Colgate VoxBox
>> Sunday, March 2, 2014
I got my Colgate VoxBox in from Influenster! I am so excited to try everything out. I got a new whitening toothbrush, toothpaste and a few other goodies. Plus, coupons!
Just the story of my everyday life. That's it.
I got my Colgate VoxBox in from Influenster! I am so excited to try everything out. I got a new whitening toothbrush, toothpaste and a few other goodies. Plus, coupons!
Read more...Today is my 32nd birthday. I can hardly believe it! This year I didn't do anything special or really even celebrate. There is just too much going on right now. I had to drop Jason off at the airport this afternoon so he could fly to Detroit for job training. Poor baby was feeling sick so it was hard for me to see him go. I will fly out there on Friday, though, so we can spend the weekend together. We're going to go skiing for all of a day and a half. I know it's no Colorado, but it will still be fun!
So, here's my little indulgence of the day:
Remember last time I wrote, I said that I was waiting on a plane? But it was delayed because of wind? And I'd gotten a "free" day at home? Yeah, that day. I never got on that flight. My boss and I decided to wait until morning to fly. The last I heard was that her husband was looking into flights for the morning. I never heard anything else until I texted at 9am the morning of the flight. She said to rest and that we would go later. Later came and went (in my book anyway) and I texted at 4:30 telling her that I was tired of waiting. So, long story short, I didn't go to Dallas. It's a shame because I was excited for another market trip. But, my weekend turned out wonderfully. I ended up going to Houston with Jason, my in-laws and brother-in-law's girlfriend. That was a mouthful. We went to visit and get some project car things done. Obviously, the boys did the project car work while we women went shopping! It turned out to be a fun, relaxing escape from my work. It was just the peace that I needed. I went back to work refreshed and mentally relaxed.
This weekend, I will be going to Kyle to help a friend move. I am so excited that she is moving so much closer to me!!! Hopefully, this beautiful weather will hold out one more day!
Right now I should be on a plane to Dallas for work. Let me stop there. As of 6:30pm last night, I should have been on a plane at 8:40 this morning. Then my boss gave me the option to sleep in and smartly....I took it! We planned on flying out at about 1pm for market. However, the wind has decided otherwise. Most of the flights today have been canceled due to wind which is highly unusual for this area. I'm still waiting to see if we will leave tonight or tomorrow. So in essence, I've gotten a "free" day off! Hooray!
In other news, I've gotten back into the gym. After almost a 2 month hiatus, going back hurt. All of my favorite classes like BodyStep and BodyAttack are at times that are impossible to make. So, I made myself get on the elliptical and lift on my own, just like I did back in the day. Some of you may remember that. I found that I lost a lot of strength and endurance. It's going to be a rough road getting back, but I'm up for the challenge.
Let me preface this post by letting it be known that I don't really care for almond butter. I love me some peanut butter, but almond butter is a bit too bland for my taste. Enter Maple Almond Butter.
Hello lover.....
Only two days into 2011 and I have already royally broken a resolution. Damn you coworkers that bring yummy spice cake and cookies!
This has got to be a record. Can I call do-over?
After going over my resolutions from last year, I decided to form some new resolutions for 2011. This time around, I'm keeping things a bit simpler.
For my health:
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