2 years down, the rest of our lives to go!

>> Friday, July 30, 2010

 This was the status I put on my Facebook. On Monday July 19, Jason & I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. It's been one hell of a second year of marriage and we are so thankful to have made it through. Through lost jobs and financial difficulties, we have come through the year from hell just as close as ever. God may test us, but He has been good to us.

We decided to try out The Vineyards, which is a little restaurant not too far from our home. Since we are still in our "scrimp" mode, we didn't go crazy on the food and wine. We both had the Salmon Crema, which consisted of grilled salmon brushed with pesto atop a bed of linguine. It was wonderful. The salad we had beforehand was simply divine. They have a special olive oil dressing made with poblano peppers, feta cheese, cilantro and a few other things. I know it sounds like an odd combination, but it was one of the best dressings I have ever had! That's saying a lot because I typically don't like many dressings at all. After dinner, I had a glass of Taylor Fladgate 20 Year Tawny Port and Jason had the 10 year. Mine was worth the extra $5 by far. The best part? We were overpoured! As we enjoyed our wine, our waitress encouraged us to walk the grounds. We walked down the stairs - carefully, I might add - and then under the rose-and-grapevine-covered walkway.

Check out the grapevines wrapping the rose stems:

We then took the opportunity to take an obligatory self-portrait:

Then we walked through some rosebushes and I tried to get a picture at night (not too successful):

At night, the spiders come out so we really had to watch out for webs in our face! On our short walk, we also saw two restaurant kitties (yes, they had food dishes) and a toad hiding from us:

As we headed back into the restaurant, our waitress caught us as the door and offered to take our picture for us outside. I thought that was so nice! So here are two of the pictures. Sidenote: Jason had already finished his wine, so she refilled it with the house wine so his glass wouldn't look empty!

When we went in to pay the bill, there was only one other couple left. Somehow, we started talking as we toured the rest of the building and it turns out that they were married exactly 2 years ago, too! And the husband's name was Jason! We were at the restaurant for a couple hours, but it didn't feel long at all. We really enjoyed taking our time and we weren't rushed at all. It was such a wonderful night for both of us. So again, happy anniversary to us (and to Jason & Lacey in Houston, TX!)!!


In other news......

>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I finally cut my hair. I looked back in my planner to see when my last appointment was, and it was in May 2009. Yes, that's right, it has been over a year since I cut my hair. I've always been lazy about getting haircuts because I just hate paying for them, yet I'm very picky about who touches my hair. One would think that cutting my super-fine, super-straight hair would be simple, but it's not. One mistake is very obvious, so I'm very careful of who cuts my hair. Anyway, I may be lazy about getting my haircut, but I'm not 14 months lazy. I couldn't justify spending money on something so trivial when Jason and I were saving and scrimping every bit of money we had. I felt so guilty getting this done that I almost talked myself out of it. But I digress. Several people I know go to Folawn's, so I decided to try them out. I paid $45 (non-gratuity salon) for a cut and style and I'm pretty happy. Thanks to Becca at Folawn's! Here's the before picture:

I know, I know. This looks like a Myspace self-portrait circa 2005. You should all know that this is the only place I am posting this picture. This will not show up on facebook, you have my word! Jason wasn't around so I had to do it myself. Surprisingly, taking self-portraits is harder than it seems. I cut off about 4 inches, but I forgot to take an after picture. So you get a group picture taken on the same day. This was a gathering of friends welcoming our Maryland friends back to Texas. This was taken just outside of Alamo Cafe.

Now that Jason has a job, maybe I won't feel so bad about getting it done again. :)


It's good to be a cat

>> Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One day I was doing laundry and cleaning up around the house. In my hurry, I put a pile of clean sheets on top of the dresser and went back into the bathroom to finish scrubbing. When I came out of the bathroom, ready to put my sheets on the bed, this is what I found:

This cat has never jumped on our dresser before, but I suppose that the sheets proved too enticing. Notice the look he gives me. He seems to be saying, "What? WHAT? Finders keepers, lady!"


Ten on Tuesday

It's been awhile since I've done a 10 on Tuesday, so here goes!

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re spluging? I don't take coffee on an average day. Sometimes in the winter I'll calorie-splurge and get a caramel macchiato, but it's more for the sugar high than the caffeine.
2. What is your genre of books to read? I'll read just about anything. I have been into things that apply to my life lately, such as health books.
3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere? Somewhere near family, the coast and with lots of land and no neighbors.
4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked? Oh goodness. The 17-year-old me would have stressed about it because teenage me was not a public speaker. I don't have a clue what I would have spoken about. I couldn't tell you what 31-year-old me would choose.
5. What word describes you best? Perfectionist. I hate to fail and I am extremely hard on myself.
6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc) Jason starting his new job on Monday. Then, setting a vacation date.
7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations? For the most part, I avoid controversial topics because they always get heated and I get uncomfortable.
8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week? That depends on whether the extra day was also free. If so, I'll take the extra day as long as it's part of my weekend.
9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be? Something ridiculous, like Pink and Blue Redfish.
10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach? Realistically, science. But I would love to also teach business.


Why hello blog world!

>> Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh, where to begin? So much has happened since I last blogged. Let's start with the July 4th holiday, shall we?

July 4th happens to be my cousin's birthday. When her sisters were in elementary, she convinced them that the entire nation celebrated her birthday, therefore making her the most special girl in the United States. She denies it to this day, but her sisters uphold the story! Here is my cousin, Tiffany, with her birthday apple pie:

Seated next to Tiffany, to her right, is her son Zachary. His birthday is July 7th, so he got to blow out candles on homemade peach ice cream!

A family friend showed up unexpectedly and his birthday happened to also fall on July 4th. My family wasn't going to let him hang out without singing happy birthday, so he got the most ingenious "cake" ever! I can't remember his name (what? It was like 21 days ago!), but here he is blowing out the candles:

Isn't that the coolest summer birthday "cake" ever? It was perfect! We ended the night on top of the roof watching fireworks from all around the city. I forgot to take the camera up there.....oops!



>> Friday, July 9, 2010

Jason got a job! He's been working on this company for weeks and finally got an offer. Words cannot express how relieved and excited we were upon receiving the offer letter. He starts August 2, giving him a few weeks to get some things done around the house. We are SO ready to get our life back!


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