Week with the munchkins, Day 1
>> Friday, July 31, 2009
After all the things that happened on Monday, we finally got home to our house at 9pm. The girls were so wound up from being at the doctor's office, the hospital and the car for hours. They never really got to play so we knew there was no way they were going to bed soon. We were able to get them to go to bed around 10:30 and luckily, they let us sleep in Tuesday morning.
On Tuesday, I really didn't have anything planned for them. I decided to have in impromptu picnic lunch at the little park down the road for us. And me, as smart as I am, thought that it would be great exercise to walk! Well, the park was a little farther down than I thought it was and it was 100 degrees outside.......again. I should have known this was going bad when I kept hearing, "How much farther? I'm hot!" But I pressed everyone on.
We arrived at the park and ate PB & J sandwiches, bananas, apples and apple juice. I didn't bring enough juice, so the girls were still thirsty after that walk. We convinced the girls to play in the park to expend some energy.Hailey, the one in the pink, got in a mood and didn't want to play. She went in circles around the pole (no laughing!) most of the time. She retreated to the swings until her sister decided to join her. I did get one picture of her:
I had dressed her in play clothes, so the pants aren't exactly a perfect fit. Excuse Aunt Stephanie's poor taste. Hannah, on the other hand, is pretty good at entertaining herself. She played in the playground and then climbed a tree.
Seriously, how much cuter can she get without teeth? This child is able to eat an apple quickly with no front teeth! I can't even remember those days anymore.
We left the park after a very short play, sweating and thirsty. The walk wasn't too bad on the way back, but we chugged water after we got back into our nice air-conditioned house. The girls spent the rest of the day playing inside. For dinner, I made them artichokes and chicken. They loved peeling away the layers of artichoke leaves, although my floor did not appreciate the mess. We let them watch Tinkerbelle on TV and then sent them to bed and Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Jason got some much needed quiet time.
Sorry to hear about all the sickness in Woodsboro. Thank goodness you and Jason didn't catch the bug. Girls seem to be growing up. Just can't believe how fast they grow. Hope your Mom and Dad doing OK. When you speak to them, give them my love.
I love your blog.
I'm glad we didn't catch it either. I would have brought the girls to visit you, but I didn't want you to get sick either. I think they're getting me a little sick but not with the same thing as Mom and Dad. I'll tell them, though!
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