Poor, poor pitiful me.

>> Monday, November 17, 2008

So I've been feeling a little sorry for myself lately. Now that the house is fairly settled into, I've gotten bored. There's only so much TV and cleaning you can do in a week. I've been looking for a job, but there's just not much out there. And with companies like Citicorp that are laying off 50,000 people, this may not just be a short trend. It would be nice to have more disposable income, but the truth is that I'm just bored. I would like to have some more adult interaction and responsibility.

Yes, I admit it. I actually MISS responsibility. Thank God that Jason & I can get along on his income for now. He tells me there's no hurry, but I beg to differ. At least I have this guy to keep me sane all day:

His name is Cassius and he loves to cuddle and be petted. He is such a sweetie. But he doesn't pay enough!!!!


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