Happy New Year!
>> Thursday, January 1, 2009
Last night, Jason & I went to a pajama-themed New Year's party. Of course, Jason & I were lame and didn't dress up. Truth be told, we don't really own any PJs that we wouldn't be embarrassed to wear.
There was lots of food to snack on and games to play. Jason & I kicked butt in Sequence twice. The other table of Sequence, however, had the game from hell. It lasted FOREVER. Here they are practicing their strategery:Of course, there had to be drinking. Cat decided to play bartender and poured a bazillion shots of vodka.
Yours truly didn't participate in the drinking festivities as the meds I have been put on do not mix well with alcohol. Plus, I was DD. This didn't stop Jason. In fact, I encouraged him to have a little fun. He obliged:
The drinking brought out the crazy in us all, but especially Wicca. He was feeling a bit Hugh Hefner-ish:
We took this as our cue to leave. Jason & I were not going to be responsible for any shenanigans that occurred in the hot tub. Okay, really we had a 30 minute drive home and didn't want to be on the road with all the drunk people. We had a lot of fun, though!
Cheers to everyone!
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