C25K Week 6

>> Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well, I've got some semi-bad news. I have completely failed this week. But it's not really my fault. It's my body's fault. It rebels. On Tuesday, I started Day 1. I got through the first 5 minutes okay and started walking my 3 minutes. I was having trouble breathing again, but I recovered somewhat. I then started in on my 8 minute run. That's where the problems started. I think I made it maybe 5 minutes before I had to stop. I just couldn't breathe at all. I tried walking for a minute or so, then finish out the run, but I couldn't make it. I walked until the next 5 minute run came up. I started in and did about 2 minutes before I had to completely stop and sit on a curb to recover. My chest was killing me. I stayed there for a couple minutes, then walked the rest of the way home. It took me almost 2 hours before I felt normal again.

Today was not too much different. I was going to press on into Day 2, but I decided that probably wasn't a good idea. I tried to do Day 1, but it didn't go well. Again, I did the first 5 minute run, but after that, it went downhill.

I've been taking my inhaler at least 15 minutes before I go outside, but it wasn't really helping me. I know that the oak pollen was part of it. But, because I had such a bad episode on Monday (the worst since I've started C25K), that I called my allergist up and made an appointment for tomorrow. Hopefully, I can get some answers.

It is so irritating that I have some friends who can pick up and run a few miles without having worked out in weeks.....or even months. Meanwhile, I work out 6 days a week, have become pretty strong, and yet I can't make more than a 5 minute run outside. It makes me feel very weak and I hate that feeling. Some of my friends look at me like I'm crazy because I have such a hard time running. They think it's fairly easy. Running is the only physical thing I do that causes the problems I have. But I still want to be able to do a 5K. And I will. I'll let y'all know what the doc says tomorrow. Obviously, Race for the Cure on Saturday isn't going to go so well. I'll probably walk most of it, but that's okay. At least I'm participating. There's still Muddy Buddy in May!


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